Gaza's destruction & children affected in world news & breaking news

The General Secretary of a Norwegian Council Criticizes Israel’s Actions

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At a recently held conference in Paris, the General Secretary of Norway’s Council on Refugees called Israel’s actions in Gaza “collective punishment”. online news

Jan Egeland, the head of the Council, was quoted as saying, “Without a ceasefire, lifting of the siege and indiscriminate bombarding and warfare, the hemorrhage of human lives will continue.”

During the conference, Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh of the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank, said, “How many Palestinians must be killed for the war to be stop…”

Also present at the conference was France’s President Macron. who said that the situation in Gaza was getting worse.

Almost all of the world’s countries have called on Israel to agree to a ceasefire.

The International Red Cross and the United Nations also have called for a ceasefire.

The exceptions to those petitions have included the United States and Israel.

At best, the US has urged Israel to permit pauses in its attacks against Gaza.

Last month, for example, although the various members of the UN Security Council urged a ceasefire, the US vetoed a resolution that would have imposed a ceasefire.

Most members of the UN General Assembly echoed those calls.

The Paris conference included representatives of Doctors without Borders as well those of G20 countries and Arab nations.

For their part, Israel and the US have said that a ceasefire would benefit Hamas.

In the meantime, the war in Gaza rages on, as Israel makes more incursions and destroys more buildings.

According to Hamas’ Health Authority, thus far, Isreaeli military actions have resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 Palestinians.

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Hamas representatives say that about 40% of those killed by Israeli military actions were children.

Reportedly, many of those killed were killed by way of Israeli bombardments, including air strikes.

Various media have advised, however, that those statements could not be independently confirmed.

At the same time, assertions by Israeli officials that armed forces have killed dozens of militants and have destroyed facilities alleged to have been used to make weapons and tunnels could not be independently confirmed.

Hamas officials have asserted that Hamas’ armed forces had destroyed dozens of Israel tanks, bulldozers and other vehicles.

Those statements could not be verified, according to ANS.

Still, Israeli representatives showed military videos that appeared to show forces having destroyed walls and parts of buildings that had concealed weapons making facilities and tunnels.

It’s been reported that Israel has stationed tanks in the vicinity of Gaza City, as its forces have penetrated more deeply into Gaza’s territory.

Destruction in the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza in headline news & world news
Palestinians walk in the street market of Jabaliya refugee camp, northern Gaza Strip, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023, after an Israeli airstrike. (AP Photo/Abed Khaled)

In the meantime, thousands of Palestinians have sought refuge at Al Shifa hospital inside Gaza City itself, despite Israeli military demands that Gazans flee the area being encircled.

According to reports, Gazans are sheltering at the hospital, as they have no where else to go.

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In related news, the UN humanitarian office, OCHA announced that Israeli again demanded that residents of the northern part of the Gaza Strip move south.

OCHA indicated that at least 50,000 refugees were fleeing to the south.

Yet, even the road itself being used by Gazans endeavoring to comply with Israeli orders were at risk of being killed by Israel’s military actions.

Reports indicated that corpses being found along the main corridor to the south.

Thousands of Gazans have been streaming to the south during the past five days; movements to the south are allowed only four hours a day.

Outside of the time period each day, refugees risk being killed by Israeli artillery fire.

Israeli military persons told Gazans fleeing to leave their vehicles.

Many of Gaza’s 2.3 million people have found temporary and insecure refuge in hospitals, schools and other types of buildings.

But many of Gaza’s buildings have been leveled and made into rubble.

Thousands of people have been killed by falling walls and parts of buildings destroyed by air strikes and bombardments.

Although the northern part of Gaza has been subjected to widespread destruction, the southern part of Gaza is not much safer, as those parts of Gaza have been bombarded as well.

Parts of the northern part of Israel have been hit by rockets fired from Hezbollah forces stationed southern Lebanon. For its part, Israel’s forces responded with artillery fire.

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