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On this 24th day of July 2024, outside Congress, activists protesting for a ceasefire between Gaza and Israel, gathered & demonstrated.

Leaders from across Europe gathered at an English country mansion in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, on Thursday for the fourth European Political Community summit.

Newly elected UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer welcomed some 45 heads of government to discuss migration, energy security and the threat from Russia as he seeks to restore relations between the UK and its European Union neighbours four years after their acrimonious divorce.    Courtesy of the Associated Press.

The Argentine Army reached El Calafate town to clear roads and bring forage for livestock, as snowstorms are threatening half of the cattle heads in the farmland.

The snowstorms since June 28 have made it difficult for farmers to feed and care for over one million sheep and some 50,000 other cattle heads, said the Argentine Rural Confederation.  The Associated Press

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