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Ukraine’s War is Spurring the Use of Drones

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(ANS) The war in Ukraine appears to be spurring the greater use of and reliance on robotics and drones, analysts say. online news

Even further, they maintain that, as the war drags on, the use of arificial intelligence will be employed on the battlefield something almost commonplace.

With the active assistance of the US military and defense contractors, Ukraine is well on its way to using robotics in combat situations, and, except for some human guidance and intervention, for the most part, drones are becoming more autonomous, experts say.

The threshold that seems to be crossed is the use of artificial intelligence.

That is, the transition being made is one from human direction of drones and military equipment is one to a situation in which drones and the like are behaving autonomously and with some degree of independent decision-making.

US military spokepersons say that Russia is using similar technology, but analysts say that the US is rather ahead, in that regard..

For their part, Ukraine’s military technology experts and officials boast that eventually Ukraine will develop and use “fully-autonomous” drones.

Even as though Ukraine’s military leaders say that their government prohibits the use of fully-autonomous weapons, eventually such prohibitions could well be scrapped.

The history of innovative weapons and weapons systems has been such that such weapons and the like eventually are used in actual situations.

Of course, the nuclear weapon bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945 is just one prominent example of how innovative technology eventually is employed, in the context of weapons.

At present, Ukraine’s use of drones includes US made versions and one that has been used by Poland, according to reports.

Still, all those drones require some degree of human intervention and guidance, even as aritifical intelligence is becoming more prominent in such weapons.

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In general, drones can hover over targets for extended periods of time, before unleashing attacks.

The US employed many such drones in Pakistan about eleven years ago.

In 2020, drones almost entirely automated were used in Libya. Even as sophisticated as such things were, human guidance was still needed, analysts say.

Drones have been programmed to recognize general types of vehicles. However, “mistakes” have been made, instead targeting civilians and civilian vehicles.

This type of mistake happened a number of times in Pakistan during the Obama administration.

Israel is another example of a country rather well advanced, in respect of the development of drones and Artificial Intelligence.

For exampl,e one of its drones can hover over anti-aircraft radar and defenses for up to several hours, before attacking targets.

A US-based company has seveloped a system that has been used in Ukraine. The latter has been using that system, which hunts and destroys drones being used by Russian forces.

The sophisticated drone itself has radar.

Even as such weapons have been proliferating, there have been efforts to limit their use.

However, thus far, there has been little to no progress in coming to an international agreement.

According to ANS, United Nations’ talks along these lines have been ongoing during the past several years.

Russia and the US have opposed comprehensive agreements that would prohibit the use of military drones; as has been true of nuclear weapons over the years, each side harbors distrust of the other. There is almost no willingness to act first in the direction of limiting the use of drones.

There have been some attempts to prohibit drones that use facial recognition.

Reportedly, a number of countries are developing drones that can attack synchronously.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, from February last year to December 20, 2022, the US has given Ukraine $127 billion in military assistance.

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